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In the last of our 30 days to a NEW Healthier You Judy’s video reveals tips helping you plan your shopping, washing and storing your produce, maximizing your organic purchases, and even insight into the usefulness of those little labels we all have to peel off . . .






The above recipe is found on Page 26 of the 90 Days of Recipes book…..


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Mom always said Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!  Here at Hallelujah Diet Canada we agree so let’s start with the most nutritional food – our Green BARLEYMAX® JUICE and then enjoy a breakfast smoothie and more!




The Pudding: serves 4

Put the following ingredients into your food processor and blend until creamy:

  • 2 cups unsweetened coconut
  • 2 of each: avocado & bananas (peeled)
  • ¼ cup of each: raw carob powder & maple syrup

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In a world where it is becoming increasingly difficult to take better care of ourselves, Judy gives us a start to cleansing our body of toxins! But more-

In a world where it seems that when we arrive at that point that we need to help care for a senior parent, friend, or relative, we seem to be told that all we can do is stand by and watch.  Well that may not be true…. there is more

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