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Finger food is good on a picnic so here are some tiny roll-ups with a great minty taste. Here I have used two things that are bountiful in our early summer garden – mint and fresh peas!

To make the cucumber roll-ups you need 1-2 pieces of thinly peeled cucumber per person. To cut the cucumber really thin use a sharp veggie peeler and run it along the full length of the cucumber until you have good 1 to …

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We have heard a lot of negative talk about free radicals over the past years and it is important that we understand what these are and how they affect us.

Free radical is a chemistry term that describes an atomic or molecular species with unpaired electrons on an otherwise open shell configuration.

Free radicals are produced by our bodies all the time and they can be good. Our body makes free radicals as a result of energy production within our …

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