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Leap into the Hallelujah Lifestyle – Today!

2012 is a Leap Year So L E T’ S L E A P into the Hallelujah Lifestyle… TODAY!!!

Now that we have survived the long Christmas holiday season you probably want to get back into a better routine. This is the time of year when people have made their New Year’s Resolution and have already made detours from it.

So I am suggesting a better way to get back on the road to better health – the best way to do this is to PLAN – plan a better diet, plan an exercise routine you can actually do – and without too much effort you will improve your lifestyle and your health along the way!

The most important thing is to be POSITIVE! A good attitude will make life seem so much better. Another thing you need to do is get up early! So that you have a good start to your day to do the things that need to be done and the things that are important to you! Last you need to plan getting to bed early so that you get the best rest at the right time, change your old habit of staying up late.

Judy’s Hallelujah Leap Year Plan: The idea is to follow the Leap Year Plan 6 days a week – leaving 1 day a week so you can eat out with family or friends or just take a break from the plan.

Day 1 Week 1

Time Activity Recipe for success
6-7 am Get up 1st BarleyMax
20-30 min Exercise 1st Carrot/Beet combo
7-11 am Morning


Breakfast: fruit smoothie

Survival bar

11:30 – 1pm Lunch 2nd BarleyMax

Your Menu:

2-5 pm Afternoon


Positive thought for the day:

2nd Carrot/Beet combo

Afternoon snack bar

5-7 pm Supper 3rd BarleyMax

Your Menu: Evening Salad and the Cooked Portion:

7-9 pm Evening activity Make it Positive!

Evening snack:

9-10 pm Wind Down time Check your list from the day before…

Make you list for the next day…

What did you accomplish?

It can be easy to follow the Leap Year Plan by registering with us and getting your 30 day booklet that helps you to follow the easy steps to a better and happier lifestyle (which is available if you buy the supplies below). This is what you will need for less than $10.00 a day to follow the Leap year plan for a month:

1 BarleyMax (Berry or Mint): you take 1 tsp 3 times each day
1 CarrotJuiceMax
1 BeetMax: you mix this by using 1tsp carrot and ½ tsp beet 2 times each day
1 B-Flax-D: you use 2 tbsp each day in your morning smoothie
24 Survival Bars: you have 1 each day for breakfast
24 Snack Bars: you have 1 each day as a snack in the afternoon

You will save 20% on the above items when you register with us for the Leap Year Planning booklet. That is a savings of $55.60 and you will get the Make Me Ready DVD for FREE! (a $25 savings)

Each week you will also need to buy the following groceries:
Smoothies: 3 bananas (1/2 per day), 1 bag of frozen fruit (1/2 cup per day), 2 tbsp B-Flax-D per day
Lunches: veggies for 6 lunches, ingredients to make 2 salad dressings for dips (alternate each day)
Suppers: greens and veggies for your large salad and then a soup or stew
Evening snack: 6 pieces of fruit (apples, oranges, pears, grapes, berries …… just to name a few)

Part of the Leap Year Plan is to do some kind of exercise for 20-30 minutes 5-6 days a week, by just walking, or doing the aerobic exercise, or following the Fit 10 program or using the rebounder. So to help, you can take 20% off any of the exercise equipment we have: the rebounder, Fit 10, Pedometer, or Exerstider Walking Poles!