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Granola with Banana Dreams Ice Cream


From Judy Fleming’s Recipe Book Full Day Menus as she talks about Cancer. The menu plans in this book offer healthy eating suggestions to help with disease prevention. Call our toll-free number to order this book today 1.866.478.2224

Put all the following raw ingredients into a bowl: this recipe makes about 4 cups granola

  • ½ cup of each: sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds
  • 1 cup chopped brazil nuts
  • ½ cup of each: raisins, cranberries
  • ½ cup organic coconut unsweetened
  • ½ cup organic oatmeal or soaked quinoa
  • 2-4 tbsp maple syrup

Mix everything together then spread on the trays that have been lined with paraflex sheets or parchment paper

Dehydrate for 6-12 hours depending on what dryness you want.

This is great served in a bowl with raw apple cider juice, almond milk or some smoothie liquid.

Today you can use it as a toping on the Banana Dreams below: this makes enough for 2 people

Take 2 ripe bananas peel them, slice into ½ inch pieces and freeze them

Take ½ – 1 cup any other frozen fruit

Put both frozen fruit in a blender with just enough water (about 2-4 tbsp) to keep it moving – blend until creamy like soft ice cream – serve in a bowl with ½ cup granola sprinkled on top – a great easy snack!